Bloomington Photography Club Structure
Executive Council: Steven Gilbert 2025, Roland Bydlon 2024
Two members nominated and voted in by the board members.
In January one member of the EC will leave their position to be replaced by a new member for a two-year term.
Outgoing EC member must sit out one year before running for the role again.
Chair regular BPC monthly meetings and Board meetings.
Bring all issues that affect BPC functions to the Board for discussion and a possible vote. Respond to questions and concerns addressed to the Council by BPC members.
Ensure that all issues and club business are carried out in the manner agreed to by the Board.
Secretary: Dorothyann Strange
Takes minutes of Board meetings and sends them to Board members.
Writes and sends thank you letters to speakers of monthly meetings.
Treasurer: Steve Schmaltz, Kate Melvin (back-up)
Maintains the BPC’s finances including the checking account.
Collects dues, issues payment for BPC obligations.
Keeps records of all financial transactions and reports to the monthly Board meeting.
Records new members from online member application form or correspondence and informs Website and Newsletter manager of new and renewed members.
Mails out membership cards (with a password on it) after receipt of the members’ dues.
Board Members as of 1/1/2024: Teddy Alfrey, Carol Beall, Raouf Bishay, Ronald Bydlon, Joyce Byrer, Deanilee Deckard, Juliet Frey, Steven Gilbert, Kip May, Catherine Melvin, Cheryl Molin, Calvin Poole, Shine Rominger, Steve Schmaltz, Dorothyann Strange, and Don Watts
New Board members are nominated and elected by current Board members, with the maximum number of Board members determined by the Board.
Set BPC policies and procedures.
Ensure the implementation of the planned events and activities that were identified at the November Annual Planning Meeting. This may involve overseeing and/or delegating the responsibility to BPC member(s), not necessarily to a Board member, to coordinate and/or lead a planned event or activity.
Website: Joyce Byrer
Manages, keeps up to date, and adds content to the website.
Social Media
Facebook Page: Zolt Levay, Don Waters
Manage, keep up to date, and add content to the Facebook page.
Instagram: ?
Manage, keep up to date, and add content to the Instagram account.
Newsletter: Juliet Frey, Calvin Poole
Put together and schedule the emailing of the weekly newsletter.
Send out announcements of special events, separately from the newsletter.
Add or delete names in the newsletter mailing list where necessary.
Send out Zoom invitations and other BPC announcements to paid members.
Gmail Postmaster: Joyce Byrer
Checks and replies to BPC email as needed..
Where appropriate, forwards email to officers, committees, and Board members.
Sends welcome email to everyone who completes the online membership form.
Creates and maintains the online password protected file of paid members and board members.
Key Data: Joyce Byrer
Stores and maintains key technical data such as domain names and registrations, user IDs, and passwords to various sites.
Tracks and ensures payment of subscriptions, etc.
Schedule: Juliet Frey, Joyce Byrer
Attend annual Planning Meeting and maintain the event calendar (initially created by Kip May after the Planning Meeting) for the coming year on the website and in written form for Board use.
Attend Board meetings and provide events schedule for information and discussion.
Ensure that selected guest speakers and tech tip presenters are confirmed.
Facilities: Zolt Levay
Reserve library room in advance for regular BPC monthly meetings.
Ensure the room doors are unlocked and meeting technology is installed.
Close the room after the conclusion of the meetings, ensuring the room is clean and in order.
Return the meeting technology to library staff.
Zoom Manager: Raouf Bishay
Manages Zoom schedule according to planned calendar.
Equipment: Raouf Bishay
Maintain an inventory of the BPC’s equipment, including where it is located (i.e., who has what).
Store the BPC’s projector, computer and extension cords and bring them to the regular meetings and other meetings where required, such as the Holiday Celebration.
Maintain computer software updates, including upgrades, patches, and security.
Ensure all equipment is in working order.
Coordinate persons to run the computer equipment during meetings.
Store and bring booth equipment to the 4th St. Festival of the Arts.
Committee Co-Chairs
(Note: There should be at least two co-chairs for each committee.)
Committee Chairs do not need to be members of the Board of Directors.
Exhibitions: Raouf Bishay, Dorothyann Strange, Shine Rominger, Deanilee Deckard, Jack Speaker
Plan and coordinate the annual juried exhibit and any other exhibits.
Determine rules, jurors, and schedule of annual juried exhibit.
Publicize and collect digital photo submissions from members.
Field Trips: Becca Cambridge, Roland Bydlon, Joyce Byrer, Steven Gilbert, Don Watts
Plan and facilitate the field trips that were decided upon at the November Annual Planning meeting or plan field trips to alternate destinations if necessary.
Provide information to the newsletter and website.
Communicate with contact people at the sites and attendees as needed.
Research membership and make recommendations for future field trips to the new field trip committee.
4th St. Festival of the Arts: Kip May, Shine Rominger
Contact the Festival coordinators to reserve the booth space for the BPC.
Develop sign-up for booth-sitting, including set-up and take-down.
Ensure all needed equipment will be available at set-up and that a designated person will store the art work over the Saturday night.
Have up-to-date flyers describing the Club printed for handing out.
Holiday Celebration: Joyce Byrer
Reserve the facilities for the Holiday Celebration.
Plan and/or contract out the refreshments.
Ensure there will be a projector and screen set up for the event.
Provide event information to the newsletter and website.
Fall Picnic: Kip May
Reserve the facilities for the Fall Picnic.
Reserve the Strahl Lake Shelter at Brown County State Park for the fall picnic (this must be done the day after each fall picnic to ensure we will have it the following year).
Provide event information to the newsletter and website.
Coffee & Cameras: Sarah Slover
Set up and conduct an informal monthly Zoom meeting where members can discuss photo-related questions and other topics.
Focus Group Coordinators
Focus Groups are smaller groups within the BPC for members with particular interests. The groups meet at various times and locations. They offer a chance to share techniques and ideas, learn more about photography, and have fun.
Circles of Learning: Jack Speaker, Zolt Levay, Shine Rominger, Paula Stapley and Bruce McLaren
Creative Techniques: Juliet Frey
Film Users Group: Jaime Gonzalez, Allan Yates
History of Photography Focus Group: Teddy Alfrey
Landscape, Architecture, Wildlife, Nature (LAWN): Zolt Levay, Don Waters
Macro: Matthew Hicks
Photo Critique: Teddy Alfrey
Point-and-Shoot: Kip May
Portrait: Kip May
Serendipity: Becca Cambridge, Joyce Byrer
Street, Photojournalism, Urban, Documentary, Sports (SPUDS): Allan Yates