BPC Monroe County Airport Display - March 2025
The Bloomington Photography Club would like to invite all members to participate in an upcoming open exhibit to be held at the Monroe County Airport during the months of March 2025 through September 2025. The deadline for entry into the exhibit is February 3, 2025 at midnight.
About the Exhibit
This is a non-juried exhibit open to all BPC paid members. A total of 80 images will be displayed over a 6-month period. After all entries are received, you will be provided with further information. Do not submit images as they are not required.
Not a current paid member for 2025? We encourage you to join the club and enter prior to the deadline for submission! We’d love to offer you the opportunity to share your images!
Number of Submissions and Cost
Each club member may submit up to 5 images. Note: The BPC may adjust the number of individual images you may display based on the overall number of images submitted. There will be no submission fee. Images must be original work by the artist.
You may elect to keep one or more of your currently installed images at the airport. If you desire to do so, you must complete a new entry form for the image(s) currently displayed. Please note that these images will be included in the 5 total images allowed. Images currently on display at the airport will only be utilized if the number of new images received is below 80.
Please submit your entries using the link below prior to the deadline. A separate entry form should be completed for each image entered.
Link to Form for BPC March 2025 Airport Exhibit
If you have any questions, please contact Deanilee Deckard at deanilee1@aol.com (317-213-7807), or Dorothyann Strange at dorothyannstrange@gmail.com (419-308-8247).
Legal Notes:
The exhibits committee, Bloomington Photography Club, and the Monroe County Airport administrators and staff reserve the right to return or reject any image that in printed form does not conform to the standards required for display.
Please be aware that photographs portraying the work of other artists, and of some locations, often may not legally be offered for sale without permission of the artist or organization. This includes, for example, sculptures and paintings, and buildings on the campuses of Indiana University. You may submit such photographs, but they should be listed as Not for Sale (NFS) unless you have obtained appropriate permissions.
Neither The exhibits committee, Bloomington Photography Club, or the Monroe County Airport administrators or staff can be held responsible for theft or damage to your images or personal property. Risk of loss is entirely the member’s responsibility.
Summary of the Exhibit Schedule for Airport Exhibit Photo Exchange March 2025
Submissions Accepted: Until Monday, Feb 3rd
Acceptance Notifications: Monday, Feb 5th
Pick-up day (images currently up): Wednesday, March 5th (10am to 1pm)
Drop off day (new images): Wednesday, March 5th (10am to 1pm)
Install Exhibit: Wednesday, March 5th (12pm to completion)
Exhibit Open: Thursday, March 6th - Friday, August 29th
Opening Reception: Friday, April 11th (5pm to 7pm)