LAWN Focus Group
Landscape Architecture, Wildlife, Nature
LAWN stands for Landscape, Architecture, Wildlife, and Nature. All LAWN meetings are from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM on the 2nd Monday of the month unless otherwise announced. We meet in the Monroe County Public Library and via Zoom. We sometimes have a 10-15-minute tech tip and discussion by a LAWN member. We may also have a 20-30 minute presentation by a member who wishes to share a particular subject, often a travelogue. Afterwards is the photoshare, when members may share and discuss their photos.
In addition to the monthly meetings, we have several outings during the year to places of photographic interest in Indiana and occasionally farther afield.
We wish to make everyone feel comfortable with the photographic process and wish to encourage everyone to enjoy our meetings. There is a broad range of talent and expertise in our group. We hope that on every level you will continue to develop skills which will further your enjoyment of photography.
See the LAWN Meeting Guidelines for more information.
Group Coordinators:
Zolt Levay
Don Thompson
Don Waters