S.P.U.D.S. (Street, Photojournalism, Urban, Documentary, Sports) Focus Group
We are planning to conduct our SPUDS Focus Group Meeting as an online meeting using Zoom software. All SPUDS focus group members who have paid their BPC dues for this year will be invited to join this Zoom meeting at 7:00 pm.
As most of you know, with each meeting we have a photo share - if you have some images that you would like to share with the group, that would be great. Our focus group subject matter consists of Street, Photojournalism, Urban, Documentary and Sports (hence the name SPUDS).
Please send your images (up to 10) to Juliet Frey (jstarkfrey@comcast.net) by 3:00pm on the day of the meeting. Files should be jpeg or tiff and the longest side of the photos should be 1400 pixels in length.
Group Coordinator
Allan Yates herrbarnack@gmail.com