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New Normal Focus Group Meeting

We are planning to conduct our New Normal Focus Group Meeting as an online meeting using Zoom software. You will need to install Zoom software on your computer prior to the meeting. Your computer must be equipped with a camera and a microphone to fully participate. Your cell phone may be substituted for a microphone. Instructions for logging into the meeting will be sent to you by email. Here is more information about Zoom meetings.

Your mission: Serendipity thoughts (see it, shoot it, share it)


Looking forward to next month's fun shots of whatever catches your eye and the accompanying stories.

For those of you needing some locations for possible shots, I am including some possible July opportunities.

July regulars include the county fair, fireworks, parade in place, family picnics or get-togethers and all that food stuff that goes with July. There are also the local lakes and boats, farmers markets, food trucks and the delightful water play at Switchyard park. The Glenn Close exhibit will continue until November. Then, the Tibetian Cultural center offers colorful photoshoots.

Events starting are Story Inn's music events, People's Park's concert series, and T. C. Steele has child tours going. Charlie Jessup will be Over Easy Sunday at Switchyard. Another is tapping into the walkabout radio plays by Cardinal Stage.

I, myself, am looking forward to the Annual Aluminum Pour kick off on the 17th and the 31st Fire Night Aluminum Pour. Sculpture Trails outdoor museum.

Until the 26th, "see it, shoot it, share it" Just play with it.
